Module Css_Property

This module defines the CSS properties

The types correspond to the applies to description for styles for which display property is required for it to render.

See the CSS 2.2 full property table for reference, and the default styles.

type +'style t
module Style : sig ... end
include Style
type align_content = [
| `align_content
type align_items = [
| `align_items
type align_self = [
| `align_self
type animation = [
| `animation
type animation_name = [
| `animation_name
type animation_duration = [
| `animation_duration
type animation_timing_function = [
| `animation_timing_function
type animation_iteration_count = [
| `animation_iteration_count
type animation_direction = [
| `animation_direction
type animation_play_state = [
| `animation_play_state
type animation_delay = [
| `animation_delay
type animation_fill_mode = [
| `animation_fill_mode
type azimuth = [
| `azimuth
type background_attachment = [
| `background_attachment
type background_color = [
| `background_color
type background_image = [
| `background_image
type background_position = [
| `background_position
type background_repeat = [
| `background_repeat
type background_size = [
| `background_size
type background = [
| `background
type border_collapse = [
| `border_collapse
type border_color = [
| `border_color
type border_spacing = [
| `border_spacing
type border_style = [
| `border_style
type border_top = [
| `border_top
type border_right = [
| `border_right
type border_bottom = [
| `border_bottom
type border_left = [
| `border_left
type border_top_color = [
| `border_top_color
type border_right_color = [
| `border_right_color
type border_bottom_color = [
| `border_bottom_color
type border_left_color = [
| `border_left_color
type border_top_style = [
| `border_top_style
type border_right_style = [
| `border_right_style
type border_bottom_style = [
| `border_bottom_style
type border_left_style = [
| `border_left_style
type border_top_width = [
| `border_top_width
type border_right_width = [
| `border_right_width
type border_bottom_width = [
| `border_bottom_width
type border_left_width = [
| `border_left_width
type border_width = [
| `border_width
type border_radius = [
| `border_radius
type border = [
| `border
type bottom = [
| `bottom
type caption_side = [
| `caption_side
type clear = [
| `clear
type clip = [
| `clip
type color = [
| `color
type cue_after = [
| `cue_after
type cue_before = [
| `cue_before
type cue = [
| `cue
type cursor = [
| `cursor
type direction = [
| `direction
type display' = [
| `display
type elevation = [
| `elevation
type empty_cells = [
| `empty_cells
type flex' = [
| `flex
type flex_basis = [
| `flex_basis
type flex_direction = [
| `flex_direction
type flex_flow = [
| `flex_flow
type flex_grow = [
| `flex_grow
type flex_shrink = [
| `flex_shrink
type flex_wrap = [
| `flex_wrap
type float_ = [
| `float
type font_family = [
| `font_family
type font_size = [
| `font_size
type font_style = [
| `font_style
type font_variant = [
| `font_variant
type font_weight = [
| `font_weight
type font = [
| `font
type height = [
| `height
type justify_content = [
| `justify_content
type left = [
| `left
type letter_spacing = [
| `letter_spacing
type line_height = [
| `line_height
type list_style_image = [
| `list_style_image
type list_style_position = [
| `list_style_position
type list_style_type = [
| `list_style_type
type list_style = [
| `list_style
type margin_top = [
| `margin_top
type margin_right = [
| `margin_right
type margin_bottom = [
| `margin_bottom
type margin_left = [
| `margin_left
type margin = [
| `margin
type max_height = [
| `max_height
type max_width = [
| `max_width
type min_height = [
| `min_height
type min_width = [
| `min_width
type order = [
| `order
type orphans = [
| `orphans
type opacity = [
| `opacity
type outline_color = [
| `outline_color
type outline_style = [
| `outline_style
type outline_width = [
| `outline_width
type outline = [
| `outline
type overflow = [
| `overflow
type padding_top = [
| `padding_top
type padding_right = [
| `padding_right
type padding_bottom = [
| `padding_bottom
type padding_left = [
| `padding_left
type padding = [
| `padding
type page_break_after = [
| `page_break_after
type page_break_before = [
| `page_break_before
type page_break_inside = [
| `page_break_inside
type pause_after = [
| `pause_after
type pause_before = [
| `pause_before
type pause = [
| `pause
type pitch_range = [
| `pitch_range
type pitch = [
| `pitch
type play_during = [
| `play_during
type position = [
| `position
type richness = [
| `richness
type right = [
| `right
type size = [
| `size
type speak_header = [
| `speak_header
type speak_numeral = [
| `speak_numeral
type speak_punctuation = [
| `speak_punctuation
type speak = [
| `speak
type speech_rate = [
| `speech_rate
type stress = [
| `stress
type table_layout = [
| `table_layout
type text_align = [
| `text_align
type text_decoration = [
| `text_decoration
type text_indent = [
| `text_indent
type text_transform = [
| `text_transform
type top = [
| `top
type transition = [
| `transition
type transition_delay = [
| `transition_delay
type transition_property = [
| `transition_property
type transition_duration = [
| `transition_duration
type transition_timing_function = [
| `transition_timing_function
type unicode_bidi = [
| `unicode_bidi
type user_select = [
| `user_select
type vertical_align = [
| `vertical_align
type visibility = [
| `visibility
type voice_family = [
| `voice_family
type volume = [
| `volume
type white_space = [
| `white_space
type widows = [
| `widows
type width = [
| `width
type word_break = [
| `word_break
type word_spacing = [
| `word_spacing
type z_index = [
| `z_index
type ruby_position = [
| `ruby_position

Ruby Properties

type ruby_merge = [
| `ruby_merge
type ruby_align = [
| `ruby_align
type aligns = [
| align_content
| align_items
| align_self
type backgrounds = [
| background_attachment
| background_color
| background_image
| background_position
| background_repeat
| background_size
| background
type borders = [
| border_top
| border_right
| border_bottom
| border_left
| border
type border_colors = [
| border_top_color
| border_right_color
| border_bottom_color
| border_left_color
| border_color
type border_styles = [
| border_top_style
| border_right_style
| border_bottom_style
| border_left_style
| border_style
type border_widths = [
| border_top_width
| border_right_width
| border_bottom_width
| border_left_width
| border_width
type heights = [
| height
| max_height
| min_height
type cues = [
| cue_after
| cue_before
| cue
type flexs = [
| flex'
| flex_basis
| flex_direction
| flex_flow
| flex_grow
| flex_shrink
| flex_wrap
type fonts = [
| font_family
| font_size
| font_style
| font_variant
| font_weight
| font
type margins = [
| margin
| margin_top
| margin_right
| margin_bottom
| margin_left
type paddings = [
| padding
| padding_top
| padding_right
| padding_bottom
| padding_left
type list_styles = [
| list_style_image
| list_style_position
| list_style_type
| list_style
type outlines = [
| outline_color
| outline_style
| outline_width
| outline
type page_breaks = [
| page_break_before
| page_break_after
| page_break_inside
type page_breaks_inside = [
| orphans
| widows
type pauses = [
| pause_after
| pause_before
| pause
type positions = [
| top
| right
| bottom
| left
type speaks = [
| speak_header
| speak_numeral
| speak_punctuation
| speak
type texts = [
| text_decoration
| text_transform
| text_align
| text_indent
type widths = [
| width
| max_width
| min_width
type animations = [
| animation
| animation_name
| animation_duration
| animation_timing_function
| animation_iteration_count
| animation_direction
| animation_play_state
| animation_delay
| animation_fill_mode
module AppliesTo : sig ... end
include AppliesTo
module Flexbox = AppliesTo.Flexbox
module KeyframeBlock = AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock
module Display = AppliesTo.Display
include Display
type any = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.any
| animations
type block = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.block
| animations
type flex = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.flex
| animations
type list_item = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.list_item
| animations
type positioned = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.positioned
| animations
type replaced_inline = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.replaced_inline
| animations

* Replaced inline elements * (see list)

type non_replaced_inline = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.non_replaced_inline
| animations

Non-replaced inline elements

type inline = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.inline
| animations
type inline_block = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.inline_block
| animations
type inline_flex = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.inline_flex
| animations
type table_header_group = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.table_header_group
| animations
type table_caption = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.table_caption
| animations
type table = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.table
| animations
type inline_table = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.inline_table
| animations
type table_cell = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.table_cell
| animations
type table_column = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.table_column
| animations
type table_column_group = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.table_column_group
| animations
type table_row = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.table_row
| animations
type table_row_group = [
| AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.table_row_group
| animations
type ruby = ruby_align

Ruby Display

type ruby_base = ruby_align
type ruby_text = ruby_align
type ruby_base_container = ruby_align
type ruby_text_container = [
| ruby_position
| ruby_merge
type ruby_display = [
| ruby
| ruby_base
| ruby_text
| ruby_base_container
| ruby_text_container
type displays = [
| block
| flex
| list_item
| positioned
| inline
| inline_block
| inline_flex
| table_header_group
| table_caption
| table
| inline_table
| table_cell
| table_column
| table_column_group
| table_row
| table_row_group
| ruby_display
type flex_item = AppliesTo.KeyframeBlock.flex_item

A flex item is defined as a child of a flex container (display: flex), it can have any display type.

module Display3 = AppliesTo.Display3
type keyframe_block = [
| KeyframeBlock.displays
| KeyframeBlock.flex_item
type display = [
| displays
| flex_item
| size
val to_block : [< block ] t -> block t
val to_flex : [< flex ] t -> flex t
val to_list_item : [< list_item ] t -> list_item t
val to_positioned : [< positioned ] t -> positioned t
val to_replaced_inline : [< replaced_inline ] t -> replaced_inline t
val to_non_replaced_inline : [< non_replaced_inline ] t -> non_replaced_inline t
val to_inline : [< inline ] t -> inline t
val to_inline_block : [< inline_block ] t -> inline_block t
val to_inline_flex : [< inline_flex ] t -> inline_flex t
val to_table_header_group : [< table_header_group ] t -> table_header_group t
val to_table_caption : [< table_caption ] t -> table_caption t
val to_table : [< table ] t -> table t
val to_inline_table : [< inline_table ] t -> inline_table t
val to_table_cell : [< table_cell ] t -> table_cell t
val to_table_column : [< table_column ] t -> table_column t
val to_table_column_group : [< table_column_group ] t -> table_column_group t
val to_table_row : [< table_row ] t -> table_row t
val to_table_row_group : [< table_row_group ] t -> table_row_group t
val to_display : [< display ] t -> display t
module MediaGroup : sig ... end
module MediaType : sig ... end
external show : [< display ] t -> string = "%identity"
val show_properties : ?⁠indent:int -> [< display ] t Js.Dict.t -> string
val show_dict : [< display ] t Js.Dict.t -> string Js.Dict.t